Awesome Tirol

Personal collection of useful and necessary things in Tirol.

Emergency services call 112



Winter sports

Summer sports


Other data

Elections 2024

Holidays 2024

+9 before
  • 01.01 Mo Neujahr
  • 06.01 Sa Heilige Drei Könige
  • 31.03 Su Ostersonntag Easter
  • 01.04 Mo Ostermontag
  • 01.05 We Staatsfeiertag Labor day
  • 09.05 Th Christi Himmelfahrt Ancession
  • 19.05 So Pfingstsonntag Pentecost
  • 20.05 Mo Pfingstmontag
  • 30.05 Th Fronleichnam Corpus Christi
  • 15.08 Th Mariä Himmelfahrt
  • 26.10 Sa Nationalfeiertag Austria day
  • 01.11 Fr Allerheiligen All Saints
  • 08.12 Su Mariä Empfängnis Immaculate Conception
  • 25.12 We Weihnachten Christmas
  • 26.12 Th Stefanitag

Festivals 2024

+5 before


Do you know an awesome resource about something in Tirol? Maybe Hütten or Breweries, Taxes or Yoga? Contribute and contact

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